We’d like to extend a warm invitation to you to join us for our 95th AGM on Wednesday 6th December at Weoley Hill Village Hall. Light refreshments will be provided. To register your attendance or send you apologies please click on the following link:
Potential for poles in Weoley Hill – BRSK presentation at 7pm
This year as well as updates from your Residents Association, BRSK will also be in attendance to update on their proposals around digital connectivity and the associated infrastructure needed in Weoley Hill. There has been some concern from residents about potential erection of poles. The AGM presents an opportunity to raise any concerns direct with BRSK. If you are unable to attend but have any questions for BRSK you can raise these with us via the following form:
New members
Weoley Hill is a very special place to live and this is undoubtedly helped by the committed volunteers who ensure we have a dedicated residents association and run Weoley Hill Village Hall on behalf of the community. Our AGM gives us an opportunity to meet fellow residents, update you on what we have been doing over the past year and for you to meet us, raise any issues of local interest or which concern you and that you may wish us to help you resolve. We would also love to hear your feedback and ideas for future events and activities. Again, if you would like to raise any question please use this form:
Join the council
Why not volunteer to be part of the Village Council? The commitment is just one meeting a month for ten months of the year plus the AGM and the Community Bonfire Event. This year we are also holding elections for our Estate Management Scheme Committee (EMSC) representative. Sharon Yeomans, the current EMSC representative, will stand again. If there is more than one person interested in the role there will be a vote at the AGM to elect the ESMC representative.
If you would like to be nominated for a council role please submit your nomination using the following form: Village Council Nomination Form
If you would like to be nominated for the EMSC Rep the please download and use this form: Estate Management Scheme Committee Nomination Form
Documents for downloading